Thursday, December 28, 2017

Så skapar du ett snyggare och tystare hem med ljudabsorbenter på vägg

En del människor är väldigt känsliga för ljud, det mesta som kommer i deras väg är störande buller i deras öron. Det måste man ha respekt för. Den som är utsatt för stress eller dålig sömn, kan också ha perioder av överkänslighet för ljud. Om ni är flera i hushållet ser det säkert ganska olika ut var smärtgränsen eller toleransen går. Det finns ju även de som kan sjunka ner i en bok eller ett pussel mitt i allt stök och inte märka av det som händer runt omkring överhuvudtaget.

Många nyproducerade hus har hårda material i både tak, väggar och golv. Det gör att dess akustik i rum blir mindre trivsam, eftersom ljudet studsar mellan ytorna. Gå gärna en runda och fundera på vad du kan göra för att dämpa det oönskade ljudet. Att använda mattor, gardiner, dukar på borden och tassar under stolsbenen är basalt. Börja där! Nästa steg är att lyssna uppmärksamt på diskmaskin samt kyl och frys. Nyare vitvaror är ofta tystare än gamla. Se också över anslutningar och rör bakom tvättmaskinen och säkerställ att den har mjuka plastslangar och inte hårda delar som kan orsaka ljud när maskinen vibrerar.

Det behöver inte alls vara tråkigt och tekniskt att förbättra akustiken. Om du väljer att fästa ljudabsorbenter på vägg i ditt hem kan de designas helt enligt din egen smak. Du kan välja fototryck eller tapet, målade ytor eller trärena. Absorbenter i taket kan ha infällda spotlights eller komma i trären eller målad stil. Formen kan du också variera. Det är bara fantasin som sätter några gränser här. Helt klart är i alla fall att det som började som ett problem blir något som höjer kvalitén och stilen på din bostad. De flesta kommer inte att uppfatta att det är akustiska finesser du har på väggen eller i taket. De kommer helt enkelt att trivas och tycka det är snyggt.

Det kan vara lite lurigt att känna till hur man bäst hittar rätt när det finns så mycket att välja mellan. Kontakta en erfaren distributör som hjälper dig genom hela processen. Ofta får du billigare ljudabsorbenter om du tar massproducerade, men överväg skräddarsydda lösningar också om du tror det blir bättre. Du och din dämpande inredning ska ju trivas tillsammans under lång tid. Det kan också vara intressant att känna till att den här typen av produkter ofta tillverkas av miljövänligt och återvunnet material. Ofta ingår gamla PET-flaskor i dessa lättviktiga och lättstädade skärmar.

Power Attenuator Components and their Applications in Modern Electronics

In the world of radio frequency, quality of signal processing forms a significant part of its entire journey from one point to another. Now, if an RF signal with high intensity is received by device, substantial damage may be caused to the circuit. To avoid this, a power attenuator device can be used to mainly reduce or attenuate a high signal level received by an electronic circuit. These attenuators might also be used to offer well-defined impedance, especially in situations wherein signal levels need to be controlled

These devices are mainly of three types: fixed switched and variable. These components can also be simply designed by only using resistors. The following sections explain in detail, the types of resistors, their functions, as well as several terminologies associated with these components.

Switched RF Attenuators

These devices are extensively utilized in test systems where levels of signals may need to be changed. These attenuators often are small boxes with a number of switches, which can change the signal levels by 1, 2, 3, 8 dB, and so on. A device that involves the use of a signal generator output that may possibly require attenuation of a signal.

Fixed RF Attenuator

These components are assigned a specific value of signal level that cannot be changed. Fixed RF attenuators may be available in numerous formats, ranging from small items in a similar format as compared to a connector to small boxes that have connectors on both ends. These attenuators may also be present in large machines and other RF measurement equipment.

Variable RF Attenuators

As the name suggests, variable digital RF attenuators are normally applications where it is necessary to continuously vary the level of a signal. These may provide a continuous level change by varying an analogue voltage on the input control line. These attenuator devices are mainly used when accuracy is not the main requirement. If the signal is too large, a high power attenuator device also can be used.

Applications of RF attenuator devices

Although digital RF attenuator devices are mainly used to reduce the level of a signal, these components also have a couple of other applications:

Upgrade impedance match: An impedance matched RF attenuator can improve the impedance match in an electronic circuit. This factor is highly essential while using RF mixers, which mainly are sensitive to impedance match quality. If the quality is poor, the performance of the match will be decrease.

Level Control: Another application of RF attenuator devices is that it can be used for controlling the level of output coming from various electronic devices. Signal generator is an example, wherein the attenuators can be used to control the output levels.

Everything You Need To Know About Concrete Bridge Construction

Bridges are not just considered to be structures that connect two land masses over a valley, a river, or any other water bodies. Rather they are said to be monumental feats that bridge the gap between different places, cultures and societies (Bright Hub Engineering, Bridge Design and Construction Guide, 2017).

Over several centuries, a variety of bridges have been built; ranging from a few meters to several kilometres in length. Cement and concrete bridge construction requires a great amount of money, expertise and patience. As a business dealing with bridge construction, you need to be well aware of the various aspects associated with it. You need to properly know how to plan and execute bridge launching techniques as well as deciding the type of bridge to build. The following points explain these aspects in detail for your better understanding.

Planning Phase

Before you even processed to the bridge building phase, the planning and designing phase must be properly dealt with. The most important factor that you need to consider in this phase is that planning and designing must done as perfect as possible. If you would fail in this phase, it’s hardly likely that you would end up construction a bridge as per expectations. Analysis of topography, reconnaissance surveys, careful studies of soil samples, effects on surrounding areas, environmental destruction, etc. are some of the aspects that need to be carefully considered.

Type of Bride and Design

Post the planning phase, you need to thoroughly research the various types of bridges that can be realistically built. The focus then shifts on the type selected as well as the designing aspect. These decisions are all based on the outcome of the how well the planning phase is carried out. You can built a beam bridge, which effectively is the simplest bridge; this type of reliable as well as economical. If there is a significant amount of money being invested, you can also decide to build truss bridges, suspension bridges or cantilever bridges. While select the bridge design and its corresponding bridge launching method ensure that the selection is suitable for the type of climatic conditions where the construction would take place.

Bridge Resistance

As compared to other structures, bridges are fairly sensitive structures to the effect of nature’s forces. To sustain the destructive effects, bridges need to be constructed in such a way that they are not too rigid, nor too weak, in while being subjected to high winds, floods, earthquake vibrations, etc. Taking these factors into consideration is highly important while building bridges. Seismic retrofitting and base isolation are some of the modern techniques that can help reduce the effects of such natural disasters.

If you are a new business in this industry, you can take inspiration from other reputed bridge building companies from around the world. Carry out extensive research before you begin building.